Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Inevitable

Somehow, we tend to believe that all bad things happen to others.. accidents, illnesses, deaths. But suddenly, it strikes very close to you and you realise that the victim was just someone like you. You realise that you are as close to death as anyone else. You realise that the journey from life to death can happen with the blink of an eye. You realise that you are a fool to plan for tomorrow without living today. You realise that you have been worrying too much about trifles in life. You decide to live better.

My colleague passed away in accident yesterday. Yes, it takes some shocks like this to understand the value of life. To understand that its a blessing in itself to be living.. to have your loved ones living..

Death is certain.. But, still we shudder at its thought. We try to avoid speaking of it, for fear of inviting it. Death is scary. That's because death is still a mystery, and anything mysterious is scary. Lets hope that death is not the end of life. Lets hope that its the beginning of a better one and let this help us in accepting the inevitable.

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