I just happened to get a forward which says that TajMahal was an ancient Siva temple which was built even before the times of Shah Jahan. I thought it was one of those usual hoax mails. But out of curiosity, I did a little bit of googling and I felt that its a serious discussion which is still going on. Some data that were stated was interesting..
* How Taj Mahal was derived from 'Tejo Mahalaya'(Shiva's Palace)
* The writings of some visitors from Europe which indicates that Taj Mahal was there even before the time it was supposed to be built.
* The use of captured temples and mansions as a burial place for dead courtiers and royalty was a common practice among Muslim rulers
I don't know how to validate this information. But yes, I am extremely curious to know the truth. I wish I could open one of those 'supposedly' sealed rooms of the Taj Mahal, and have a peep inside.
Courtesy: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A5220
Taj Mahal was build not so back in the past that there could be misinterpretations. There is a very high chance this is just media hauling than anything else.
Hmm.. History is always written by winners and the depiction completely depends on their vested cultural, poltical interest. So we can’t just shun away the theory that’s so widely discussed.
The link you posted was from h2g2, which is something like Wikipedia - anyone without a hint of credibility can write anything in it. I don't know much about the history of Taj Mahal, but 'Tejo Mahalaya' definitely sounds made up. Even if there were a Hindu temple at that location which the Mughals razed to build Taj Mahal, why would they bother giving it a name which sounds similar to a Hindu temple's name? What's pointed out in that link is cleary a Hindu fanatic's point of view, nothing else.
Hmm.. I agree that its highly improbable, Ette.
But as Veena said its just that I don't have enough knowledge/confidence to say that its 'wrong' too.. Even if there is a 1% possibility, I feel like digging out the truth.
And Jayanth, atleast my curiosity has got nothing to do fanaticism.;)Its just to see how it would be to know that what we believed for a long time was wrong.
Thats an interesting story, though i feel it is nothing close to truth.
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